
May 2024 Preliminary Labor Statistics as of 6/21/2024

Volusia County
Workforce Size


Volusia County


Volusia County 


Volusia County
Unemployment Rate


Source: U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Local Area Unemployment Statistics (LAUS)

The next release is scheduled on July 19, 2024 for June preliminary stats.

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Volusia County, Florida, U.S. Unemployment Trend

The chart shows the unemployment rate trend for Volusia County, Florida, and the US from January 2020 to present. After the impact of COVID and an initial rate of 15.1%, Volusia County's unemployment rate had a steady decrease throughout 2021 and 2022. The current rate is 3.3% as of May 2024. Florida's unemployment rate was 3.0% and the U.S. was 3.7%.

Source:  Florida Department of Economic Opportunity, Local Area Unemployment Statistics (LAUS) program.

Area Employment by Major Industry

For a complete overview of area employment and labor statistics, view the "Q" report here.

The chart shows the Volusia County employment levels by the major super sector industries for the 3rd quarter of 2023. Health Care and Social Assistance – 32,356, Leisure and Hospitality – 29,564, Retail Trade – 28,034, Professional and Business Services – 19,595, Educational Services – 14,083, Construction – 12,675, Manufacturing – 12,034, Public Administration – 9,377, Financial Activities – 8,288, Transportation, Warehousing and Utilities – 5,654, Other Services – 5,329, Wholesale Trade – 4,594, Information – 1,359, Natural Resources and Mining – 1,338. The quarterly average total employment was 184,759 which is a 2.4% increase over the same period last year in the 3rd quarter of 2023.

Average Workforce Size

Volusia County available total workforce has surpassed pre-pandemic levels to record levels of approximately 271,037 in 2023.

From 2014 to 2015 the size of Volusia County's workforce remained virtually unchanged, moving up and down from 237,577 to 238,316. Since 2015, the County's annual average workforce size had a steady increase to 254,312 in 2019. Workforce dropped by 2% to 249,559 in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The workforce size has surpassed pre-pandemic levels by 6.6% from 254,312 in 2019 to an average of 271,037 in 2022.

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Average Employment

Volusia County total employment workforce is at record levels of approximately 262,170 as of 2023, surpassing pre-pandemic levels in 2019.

Volusia County's annual average employment increased more than 29,000 from 2013 to 2019. In 2013, there were 216,323 people employed in the county and that number had grown to 245,545 in 2019. Due to the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic shutdowns, average employment in 2020 decreased 6% to 230,585. Employment rebounded to 243,303 in 2021, increasing in 2022 to 257,682 and has since grown 1.7% to 262,170 in 2023.

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Average Unemployment Rate

Volusia County unemployment has dropped to a average rate of 3.3% in 2023 and is lower than pre-pandemic levels in 2019.

Volusia County’s annual average unemployment rate showed improvement steadily from the 6.8% rate in 2014 to 3.4% in 2019. With the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic and associated shutdowns and recovery, the average unemployment for 2020 was 7.6%. In 2021, the unemployment rate dropped to 4.6% in 2021, 3.1% in 2022 and as of 2023, the average rate was 3.3%.

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2022 Average Annual Wage

Volusia County






For a complete analysis of Volusia County state, county and regional wages and employment by industry, view the 1st quarter 2024 "Q" report

Private Average Annual Wage

Volusia County wages are reasonable and able to support a quality of life that continues to draw people to our communities.

The chart shows Volusia County’s average annual wage trend from 2013 to 2022. Wages increased slightly from 2013 to 2014 and have increased steadily since 2014. 2014 wage was $34,696. 2015 was $35,904. 2016 was $36,558. 2017 was $37,740. 2018 was $38,760. 2019 was $40,472. 2020 was $43,673. 2021 was $46,385. 2022 average wage was $49,175 which increased 6% from 2021.

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Regional Average Annual Wage Comparison

Volusia County wages are regionally competitive allowing businesses to attract the talent they need.

Volusia County ranks 28th out of 67 counties. Regionally, the chart shows the regional counties 2022 private industry average annual wages for comparison to Volusia County.  Flagler - $44,801 increase of 9.9%. Putnam - $46,039 increase of 6.3%. Lake - $48,226, increase of 7.2%. Volusia $49,175, increase of 6%. St. Johns - $56,425 increase of 6.9%. Seminole - $60,623 increase of 5.2%. Brevard $61,784 increase of 6.7%.  Orange - $62,011 increase of 2.6%.

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Private Industry Average Wage by Super Sector

Volusia County wages are appropriate for your business and the industry sector you compete in.

The chart shows the 2022 Volusia County Private Industry Average Annual Wage by Super Sector. The highest average wage was in the Information sector at $82,709. Financial Activities $71,604. Manufacturing $63,488. Professional and Business Services $61,264. Education and Health Services $57,862. Construction $53,806. Trade, Transportation, and Utilities $41,964. Other Services $37,547. Natural Resources and Mining $30,512. Leisure and Hospitality had the lowest average wage of $27,018.

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